Tag Archives: Oculus

Jason Rubin – A man after my own heart

With my current investment in VR it’s no surprise that I am very much interested in the professional development of the platform. Today I stumbled across an interview with the man who co-founded one of the greatest gaming studios to have ever graced the industry, Naughty Dog. The man in question was of course (as you have seen in the title) Jason Rubin. Jason is currently the head of content at Oculus, and is in charge of the experiences that are produced for the platform. In the interview I mentioned (with IGN), Jason talks about starting in the industry, starting Naughty Dog, leaving Naughty Dog, his role as a key speaker in the industry during a time that wasn’t pleasant for developers, his current role in Oculus and his predictions and hopes for VR as a platform and a development tool.

Rather than gushing over and over about this guy I will leave the video below and let you find out for yourself.

I will say this however that in a very controversial speech at the D.I.C.E summit in 2004, Jason highlighted key issues with workplace ethics in the industry, which is the main topic for my dissertation so that speech is very important to my research and bibliography. WIN!!

So what does this discovery mean for my project? Well one point is that it has inspired me to be more creative and experimental with how I use VR, knowing that industry veterans have taken major roles in the platform and are working to produce experiences that can define and cement VR as a major development in gaming. Another point is that with the constant improvement and development for the platform, any issues that I may run into with production will have a higher chance of being experienced by others who know how to fix it, hopefully making it easier for me to deal with the problems too.