Category Archives: Self Initiated Projects

Self Initiated Project – Update 2

I’ve been thinking more about the narrative behind my game and have come up with the idea of having it set as a sadistic game show, similar to games such as:

  • Manhunt
  • Ben & Ed
  • Split Second: Velocity

I was thinking of SteamPunk themed TV network names and came to “Through the Pipe Line” or “TPL”.. This may change later in development but for now it’s what I’m going with.

The idea of the game show is similar to that of the movie Gamer, starring Gerard Butler, where prisoners are taken and put into an arena against deadly obstacles. My game will go along with something similar, where the player of the game will take control of the character (Prisoner) and control them to survive in an environment where zombies are periodically released. The whole aesthetic of the game will be laid out like a game show, with prizes, points and decals to make it look authentic.

Self Initiated Project – Update

As of now I don’t think I’ve posted very much about my Self Initiated project on here but I’m going to go over what the current situation is with it.

Originally my idea was to create an arena combat game where two players can fight against each other using momentum based combat; my reasoning for this was to utilise Roger Callois’ theory of play by focusing on the competitive aspect, Agon. However, due to time constraints and the fact I have multiple other projects going, I’ve decided to adapt the competitive aspect and also integrate a chance element, Alea; I’m going to swap the arena style combat for wave based survival gameplay. By doing this I will be implementing Alea in the ability for the player to survive, there will still be competitive aspects in the style of leaderboards and score systems.

I designed the game around my own player type, based on Richard Bartle’s 4 player types; out of Achiever, Killer, Socialiser, and Explorer I come under the Killer player type. For definitions of each type click HERE.

The aesthetic design hasn’t changed, it’s still going to be a SteamPunk design but I have changed what my initial level was going to be. Originally my level was going to be a library designed for movement and combat interaction; now however, I’m going to be designing Victorian train station that will work with both parkour/high speed movements and zombie survival. At this time I already have a train built and the station laid out.

I will post again when I’ve developed more…